Posts Tagged ‘congress’

The dispute is over whether to continue unemployment benefits with borrowed money, or whether the money should be grabbed from already budgeted accounts. Why can’t liberals be honest.



This guy is very entertaining. Conservative Ari David, running for the seat currently held by Henry Waxman in California, talks about his first SEIU meeting as a Republican candidate for Congress.

Hare Today


There is an epidemic of liberals telling the truth about what they believe. This is an odd trend, as it coincides with a growing awareness that liberals seek a country that ignores the Constitution. In this exchange with constituents, Illinois Congressman Phil Hare admits that, in voting for things like Castro Care, empathy trumps the […]

Liberal Haters


We’re hearing all sorts of news about attacks on Democrats and Democratic leaders in fear. More than 100 House Democrats met behind closed doors Wednesday afternoon with representatives of the FBI and the U.S. Capitol Police. The lawmakers voiced what one senior aide who was present described as “serious concern” about their security in Washington […]

Irish Up


Would you be unhappy if your congressman fought for what he believed was right with the vigor of this member of the Irish parliament?



A couple of seasons back, the New England Patriots went 16-0, winning all their regular season games. The vibe was similar to that of Obama’s run for the Presidency. Well oiled machines had the right plan for the right time, the teams did their jobs with few mistakes, and luck was on their side. There […]

How in the world do these fools win election to Congress – over and over.

Failing Health


Are Democrats running out of steam on health care? Have they come to terms with the idea that they’ve blown it? Listen to Massachusetts Representative Niki Tsongas as Greater Boston host Emily Rooney asks on WGBH TV whether ObamaCare will pass. Click here to listen. Tsongas says “Well, I think we’re going to move forward […]



The level of thoughtfulness that the socialists have in making policy is impressive. Rep. Alan Grayson was standing in the middle of Disney World when it hit him: What Americans really need is a week of paid vacation. So on Thursday, the Florida Democrat will introduce the Paid Vacation Act — legislation that would be […]

Got Values?


Please read this question in Andy Rooney voice: Have you ever wondered why the title “Congressional Leader” seems to always refer to the lowest form of human life? The answer must be Darwinian – to survive in that environment, qualities of honor, integrity, decency – the things that we value in another human being – […]

Really? Only 17? Rep. Spencer Bachus, the top Republican on the Financial Services Committee, told a hometown crowd in Alabama today he believes there are several socialists in the House. Actually, he says there are exactly 17 socialists in the House of Representatives. according to the Birmingham News: But he said he is worried that […]

Baracko Bomber


Krauthammer. A $14 trillion economy hangs by a thread composed of (a) a comically cynical, pitchfork-wielding Congress, (b) a hopelessly understaffed, stumbling Obama administration, and (c) $165 million. Time. And the remedies Congress is in a fever pitch to approve may well end up hurting the rescue efforts. The bonus bills, which would apply to […]

Fraud Squad


Could there be any bigger frauds than the members of congress who voted for this useless piece of political grandstanding? Acting with lightning speed, the Democratic-led House has approved a bill to slap punishing taxes on big employee bonuses from firms bailed out by taxpayers.The vote was 328-93. So if you’re a British citizen working […]

Breath Tax


Could the Democrats’ timing be any worse? Governor Deval Patrick is considering raising the state’s gasoline tax by as much as 29 cents per gallon, which would at once give Massachusetts the highest state gas tax in the country while generating enough revenue to potentially rid the Massachusetts Turnpike of tolls. Taking the White House, […]

As the Democrats take over the American auto manufacturing business, what sort of vehicle can we expect?

Back in Town


The boys were back in town on Thursday. The town was Washington. The boys are the three morons from the auto makers, who between them have lost $3 billion since they were last before Congress – two weeks ago. Leaving their corporate jets in Detroit and driving to Washington, the chiefs of the Big Three […]