Archive for November 18th, 2008



Radio talk host John Ziegler’s documentary of Obama voters is making waves. He interviewed a dozen voters as they left the polls on election day, asking tough questions like which party controls congress. It turns out that they were well briefed on viewing Sarah Palin as a moron, but knew little else. The documentary was […]

Holder On


The A.G. President-elect Obama has decided to tap Eric Holder as his attorney general, putting the veteran Washington lawyer in place to become the first African-American to head the Justice Department, according to two legal sources close to the presidential transition. Holder, who served as deputy attorney general during the Clinton administration, still has to […]

Lincoln Killer


The media folk are beating the legacy of Honest Abe to death, convinced that the Lincoln storyline of building a government of rivals is their best pitch for selling Barack. It makes sense for Obama to put this kind of narrative forward, but it’s a sad state when the media swallows it like just another […]

Teddy back on the Hill – looking to further destroy the country with universal health care. more about "Kennedy Returns to the Hill", posted with vodpod

Pajama Power


While capitalism is clearly the only realistic system for running an economy, it has its problems. Based on the idea that individuals, and by extension their organizations, will do what’s in their own self interest, capitalism is only as good as people are. And people are dysfunctional – we often resist our own, obvious, self-interest. […]

Obama Voter


A 21-year-old man wearing earphones walked in front of a Green Line train and was struck by a trolley near Boston College, according to an MBTA spokesman. Sad story, true. It’s not the reality of a young life lost that I wish to mock, but rather the symbolism of a 21 year old nearly being […]