Archive for October 23rd, 2008

Robo Lies


The McCain campaign doesn’t have endless amounts of money to spend like Barack does, so it’s doing the low-cost answer to half-hour prime time programs. Robocalls. The McCain calls portray Obama as an abortion extremist who won’t keep the country safe and “worked closely with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, whose organization bombed the U.S. Capitol, […]

Presidential politics is like making a movie. The candidate is the actor, his job is to deliver the lines written for him by the script writers. Politicians who don’t get this, or have a conscience, don’t do as well. Barack is the first candidate, perhaps, to fully embrace this requirement of the TV era. Everything […]

Spread It


Given Barack’s penchant for spreading the money around, why doesn’t he give some to John McCain. Sen. Barack Obama’s fundraising advantage is giving him a tremendous edge over Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz. Take the commonwealth of Virginia, and these stats from ABC News’ deputy political director Karen Travers: In that one battleground, Obama has 50 […]



The polls are all over the place. Zogby up to 12, Rasmussen up a bit to 7, and Gallup drops to a 4% Barack lead. Of the polls that I don’t track, Hotline has Barack up 5, and IBD shows him with a 1% lead. Rasmussen Reports 10/20 – 10/22 3000 LV 2.0 52 45 […]

Barack was ordained by the media months ago. All this election stuff is just a formality. Election Day is less than two weeks away, and Chicago could be home to the biggest political party in the country. Construction is underway for a massive stage in Grant Park where Barack Obama could declare victory on election […]



This is from Bloomberg. They must have done a little blow before writing this one. Joe Biden is the Reggie Jackson of presidential politics this year. Jackson is the Hall of Fame baseball player who was known as “Mr. October” for always delivering for his teams when the stakes were highest, during the World Series […]



Rasmussen – Barack up 7%. The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows Barack Obama attracting 52% of the vote while John McCain earns 45%. That seven-point lead is Obama’s largest in nearly two weeks. This is also the first time since October 11 that the Democratic candidate has reached the 52% level […]



You recall how the media blew things completely out of proportion a couple of weeks ago when the crowds at some McCain events got a little rowdy. It played into the “conservatives are mean” storyline that the liberal media feeds. You’re full of shit, pal. Would you be shocked to learn that liberals also get […]



Zogby – Barack up 12. Democrat Barack Obama’s lead over Republican rival John McCain has grown to 12 points in the U.S. presidential race, with crucial independent and women voters increasingly moving to his side, according to a Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby poll released on Thursday. With less than two weeks before the November 4 election, Obama leads […]

Tony the Tiger…



The fact that Joe Biden uses campaign funds to pay the landscapers didn’t raise much of a stir. But campaign funds for Sarah’s wardrobe have the media in a tizzy. Sarah Palin, small-town hockey mom and everywoman? More like Sarah Palin, pampered princess. Jeanne Cummings at Politico reports that the RNC’s monthly financial disclosure reports […]