Lights Out? Not Likely.


Will the networks cut back on coverage of the Democrats convention because of Barack’s decision to move outdoors on the last night?

…the announcement came after the news media had spent months planning coverage under the seemingly safe assumption that all four nights of the convention would take place at the Pepsi Center, which seats 19,000 people.

The logistical challenges of setting up a second venue are many, and they come with a cost.

The challenge was especially high for the major television networks, which pour millions of dollars into elaborate sky box and floor sets devised to showcase their own stars along with the candidates themselves.

I wouldn’t bet, however, on the networks skipping an event like this one – complete with large crowds, racial overtones (It will be the anniversary of the “I Have a Dream” speech), and, presumably, enough Hollywood celebrities on hand to make it look like the Oscars.

The television network chiefs were to hold a meeting late Monday to discuss how to collectively handle the change in plans, which will now require extra sets and camera locations.

Plus, Barack brings in viewers.

The excitement surrounding the presidential election this year has produced extraordinary television ratings that could change the network deliberations.

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